

NACJB and NACLB Audition information


Auditions for both bands will take place the week of September 10 - 12 at Nepean High School. (574 Broadview Ave., Ottawa On, K2A 3V8).

One of the goals of the NACLB is to help prepare students for future openings in the NACJB.  In keeping with this philosophy, members for the two bands will be chosen in collaboratively by all three band directors.

Things you need to know! 

Applicants for the NACJB must be 20 years of age or less as of January 1, 2019 and applicants for the NACLB must be 17 years of age or less, or registered in grade 12 as of January 1, 2019 NACJB and NACLB reserve the right to not fill any open position if no applicant meets the necessary standard. 

Applicants will be considered for both the NACJB and NACLB during the auditions. Applicants who are chosen for the NACJB will not be considered for the NACLB, unless there are extenuating circumstances.

The NACJB is pleased to announce the following openings for 2018 / 2019

  • Tenor Sax (1 needed)
  • Trumpet (3 needed)
  • Trombones (2 needed)
  • Guitar
  • Bass

The NACLB is pleased to announce the following openings for 2018 / 2019

  • Alto Sax (1 needed)
  • Tenor Sax (2 needed)
  • Bari Sax (1 needed)
  • Trumpet (3 needed)
  • Trombones (2 needed)
  • Bass
  • Guitar
  • Piano

  1. Applicants hoping to audition for the NACJB and NACLB should first complete this form to schedule an audition time.
  2. Please prepare all of the required material for your instrument posted below.  You will also be asked to perform a sight reading piece as well as a chromatic scale from the lowest note to the highest note that you can play to demonstrate your range (not required for drummers).

Optional Improvisation

Should you wish to demonstrate your ability to improvise, please prepare one of the following standard tunes:

Please note that you are not required to improvise during the audition.

Required Audition Material

Alto Sax:

Tenor Sax:

Bari Sax:



Bass Trombone:


